Young Citizen Program
The firm employs youngsters under the Young Citizen Program operated by the Government of the State of São Paulo. This initiative seeks to offer youngsters the opportunity for their first employment.
Initially the youngsters have initially been offered temporary employment under the scheme but given the excellent performance of the trainees, the firm has subsequently offered them full time employment, offering twice the minimum salary stipulated under the pilot scheme.
Pro Bono
Our lawyers provide pro bono services for non-profit institutions involved with children in need and international cooperation. Among the several pro bono projects in which the firm is engaged is the REINO DA GAROTADA DE POÁ (REINO), located in the state of Sao Paolo, Brazil, and the firm’s longest pro bono engagement.
REINO was founded on 30 January 1944, with the main purpose to provide needy children and teenagers and their parents with the opportunity to pursue personal and professional development. The organization’s website