The “Legal Guide”: Business In Brazil, by the leading Latin-American law firm Noronha Advogados, is the standard reference work for those interested in the legal aspects of economic relations and investments in Brazil.
The book covers the entire legal structure of Brazil including company law: banking; taxation; labour law; consumer protectio; public bids; competition law; insurance; intellectual property; litigation; arbitration; Mercosur; privatization; energy law; electronic business; anti-dumping, maritime and aviation law; agribusiness and immigration.
Authors: Durval de Noronha Goyos Jr.
José Paulo L. Alves Pequeno
Eliana Maria J. Filippozzi
Elisa Ideli Silva
Robert E. Williams
Observador Legal Editora Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil, 2000/4th Edition.

Lawyer admitted in Brazil, England and Wales and Portugal. GATT and WTO panelist. Brazilian government ad-hoc representative for the Uruguay Round of the GATT. Post-graduation professor of the law of international trade.