Our litigation department is engaged in the most complex cases requiring the knowledge of several fields of law and represents clients from various business and economic sectors. The department is able to represent clients’ interest before the State, Federal and higher courts as well as administrative proceedings and arbitration conducted in Brazil and abroad. The department also provides legal advice and orientation on a wide range of issues of varying complexity, issuing reports, consultative documents and legal opinions.
Our practice focuses on the following areas:
Our practice focuses on the following areas:
• Energy;
• Pharmaceutical;
• Financing;
• Constitutional;
• Contracts;
• Competition;
• Capital markets;
• Oil and mining;
• Maritime;
• Securities;
• Insurance;
• Corporate;
• Labour;
• Inheritance and succession;
• Electoral;
• Commercial Defence;
• Freedom of the press;
• Tax
Daniel Henrique Calvoso Alvarenga